20 Best Ever E3 Moments
12. Mr. Caffeine Baffles Everybody (2011)
It's impossible to discuss legendary E3 moments without bringing up Mr. Caffeine - the appropriately-named, discomfortingly energetic host of Ubisoft's 2011 presser.
Though Ubisoft's conference actually had some decent games to show off, over a decade later all anyone really remembers is this hopped-up, mile-a-minute presenter cracking awful jokes that didn't land and basically being unable to stand still for more than a microsecond.
But considering that Ubisoft has historically delivered some of the stodgier shows in the history of E3's tenure, it was at least divertingly odd, unintentionally funny, and got people talking.
Was it an elaborate prank on the part of Ubisoft, or simply a failed attempt at being "cool"? Probably the latter, but 12 years later, Mr. Caffeine and his insane pronunciation of Tom Clancy ("Tom Kuh-lancy") lives on.