20 Best Game Boy & Game Boy Colour Games Of All Time
6. Pokémon Red, Blue & Yellow
The Game Boy was seven years old by the time the first generation of Pokémon games came out, an age where most consoles would be long dead. Pokémon Red and Blue came along and granted the Game Boy an extra five years of life like some 8-bit genie.
Every kid wanted to play Pokémon. It was addicting to try and catch 'em all, battle with your friends and explore Kanto, so of course Game Boy sales went up when Red and Blue came out.
Whilst janky and primitive in comparison to every other mainline Pokémon game, these games are still great.
With Red and Blue came the anime, which then inspired another game, Pokémon Yellow, an enhanced version of generation one which would start the tradition of a third version of each generation being made.
Yellow added some events inspired by the anime including starting you off with a Pikachu who will slowly bond with you, regular attacks from Jessie and James, and events that allow you to get all three of the original starters.
Whether Pokémon Yellow is the definitive version of the game really depends on whether you like Pikachu or not.