13. Tales Of Symphonia
NamcoWhile the PS2 was pretty much the place to go for JRPGs, the Gamecube wasn't without a few RPG classics of its own. While Baiten Katos and Skies Of Arcadia were great games, neither could quite match the grandeur of Symphonia. It's real time combat system felt wholly unique at the time, and was a breath of fresh air in a generation filled with RPGs which consistently relied on the rather well worn turn based combat system. Symphonia's interesting combat, wealth of side quests and surprisingly likeable characters made it the Gamecube's quintessential RPG - and more than made up for its admittedly patchy story. Lloyd Irving and co's adventures across the land of Sylvarant are ones well worth being a part of. Without a doubt one of the deepest and most rewarding Gamecube titles ever released.