16. Galak-Z
Galak-Z would be far higher on this list, if not for its brutal difficulty that'll see your space-faring dreams, acknowledge the possibility of letting you continue blowing up alien ships in all directions - before popping your shields and plonking you back at the main menu. Framed as a roguelike take on Asteroids' timeless space shooter controls, you'll venture out into deep space to fulfil all sorts of mission objectives, taking forward any ship parts and bought upgrades across five 'Episodes' within a given 'Season' of gameplay. Get to the end of the fifth level and you'll unlock the next season, but get too greedy with your shots and get blown apart, and you're right back to the beginning, the only exception being to cash in some coins that are already hard to amass. So yes, its difficulty will slice you clean in half in a way only Dark Souls or Bloodborne can match, but the flipside is your array of attacks include upgradeable laser blasts, volleys of hellfire missiles, an awesome degree of movement and a whopping great mech form that lets you slice through the droves in style. It's likely GZ's unforgiving setup will put plenty off, but somewhere within its approach is that immortal '...just one go and I'll do it' feeling, which helped elevate the Souls series into something truly legendary. Here's to Galak-Z finding a similar place amongst the greats.