The Xbox One sadly doesn't have a huge amount of games to shout about from last year, but MOON Studios' multi-studio development process crossed various cultures and lifestyles, all coming together to create one of the best platformers in ages. Playing as the titular creature, Ori really digs its claws in when you realise you can create your own custom checkpoints for the myriad of challenging sections you'll encounter. By cashing in any built up power you've accrued that would otherwise be used to blast foes to Kingdom Come, you can plant a marker in the ground that'll instantly respawn you, Super Meat Boy-style. It ends up being the perfect accompaniment to a world that's designed to reward exploration and item-based unlocks, much in the Metroidvania mould. Together, Ori can transition effortlessly between pixel-perfect platformer and downright gorgeous exploration, meaning any pad-smashing sequence you struggle through will then be met with a sumptuously beautiful body of water to go for a swim in. Perfect.