20 Best Hidden Gaming Gems Of 2015

12. Her Story

It was only a matter of time before someone essentially made Google into a game, and although that's a great reduction of everything on offer with Sam Barlow's little FMVs masterpiece, you do gather up evidence to solve the crime presented in front of you by matching key words and searching for new information over and over. Such is the appeal though, as one Viva Seifert plays a truly mysterious woman being interviewed by police, her recorded sessions being segmented up for archival purposes. It's up to you to figure out which words factor into which transcriptions, using things like 'knife', 'guilty', 'lawyer' etc. to trigger more footage that'll then give you more facts towards drawing a conclusion. The best part is it all takes place in the 90s, and the Windows 95-style computer interface you're presented with lets you collate certain notes, before you'll end up busting out your own pad to draw up family trees, ring certain words of interest and stick question marks next to specific theories. It succeeds where L.A. Noire failed by genuinely making you feel like some hard-boiled detective, doggedly burning the midnight oil as you attempt to seek out the truth, and for that it deserves to be commended.
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Yakuza 5
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