20 Best N64 Games Ever

17. Bomberman 64

Who doesn't love Bomberman? Bomberman 64 may have had as inconsequential a plot as any game in the series to date, but it was also the first 3D entry into the franchise, and introduced a radically different single-player mode which incorporated platforming, puzzle solving and boss fights, all of which boasted a fair level of challenge. Still, the game's bread and butter - as with every Bomberman title - is the multiplayer, and this is where the game undeniably delivers. It's so simple yet so addictive: so many of us spent our formative years playing Battle and Team Battle on Bomberman 64 into the wee hours of the morning with three friends. The Custom option, which allows you to create your own Bomberman for use in multiplayer mayhem, is also a nifty touch. The single-player may not be to all tastes with its sharp divergence from what came before, but the game was worth the asking price for the multiplayer alone. So good.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.