20 Best N64 Games Ever

16. F-Zero X

F-Zero X was seen as the N64's answer to the PlayStation's Wipeout series...at least until Wipeout 64 landed on the console a few months later. A sequel to the classic SNES racer F-Zero, it may not have been the prettiest racer around at the time (as was a frequent complaint by critics), but the gameplay more than compensated for this. With an emphasis on breakneck speed and competitive intensity, F-Zero X incredibly managed to have up to 30 vehicles on the screen at once, which even now is a mind-blowing achievement (and goes a way to justify the pared-down graphics). The addictive quality of trying to beat the fastest lap times cannot be understated, and that's without even talking about the immensely satisfying ability to smash your opponents into oblivion. This becomes even more entertaining in the game's 4-player multiplayer offering, which benefits not only from the perverse joy of taking your friends out, but also from a high number of memorable and unique maps. When you're having this much fun, who cares if the graphics aren't the greatest?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.