20 Best PlayStation Exclusives Of The Decade

4. Horizon Zero Dawn

Death stranding god of war last of us

In a world packed with so many open world games, Guerilla really had to pull out all the stops with their first foray into the genre. Considering their background had mostly been in the Killzone series, this departure into something new had fans cautiously optimistic from the offset.

Luckily, Guerilla laid fears to rest with the adventures of Aloy, in the retro-futuristic world of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Set in the future, but with civilisation previously destroyed, the game focused heavily on the need to survive and crafting to tackle the legions of robotic dinosaurs that roam the land.

A contemporary take on the dangers of AI and mass destruction, players followed Aloy as she sets out on finding her person, as well as those she helps along the way. But the world itself has character, instead of being just another map scattered with collectables for the sake of it. You can piece together the remnants of a broken society, before modern civilization as we know it ended.

A stunning visual treat with strong combat and exploration, Horizon should take place in anyone's collection.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.