20 Best PlayStation Games Of The 2000s

2. Shadow Of The Colossus (2005)

shadow of the colossus
Team ICO

Shadow of the Colossus is an open world game that gives the player the freedom to roam around everywhere, but it stresses isolationism. In other worlds, you are alone in this huge beautifully-rendered world with only your trusty steed Argo to accompany you. There are no market townsfolk walking around or online gamers trying to level up. It’s almost as though you walked into an empty version of LOTR’s Middle earth. But suddenly, you see it.

A towering dark figure, a colossus (the first of 10 colossi), walking around a flat, empty space of land; and you’re supposed to find a way to defeat it. Every colossus is a puzzle, where you’re supposed to observe its movements, how it walks and moves, to find a way to climb it and plunge your sword into its weak spots (marked by glowing symbols on its head, arms, legs, etc.).

The gameplay behind each one of these fights is epic in every sense of the word. The colossi are huge, the background environments are jaw-dropping and when you succeed in figuring out how to defeat each colossus, you feel like you just conquered the world, as they are as tough as they come.

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Avid gamer and movie buff. Father to a gorgeous baby girl and husband to an amazing wife.