20 Best Video Game Controllers Ever

8. Nintendo 64 NUS-005

The trident "M" shaped controller released with the N64 was extremely controversial at the time, as players literally couldn't get to grips with how a two-handed person could use what looked like a three-handed device. Seemingly Nintendo had segregated digital D-pad games away from analogue games and developers would have to program their software around the fact that not all buttons are accessible at one time. However, once the player tried the joystick, especially with Super Mario 64 it all became clear. The Z button was perfectly placed underneath and the analogue stick used new optical sensors offering insane precision. Once the rumble pack add-on came out, along with system seller Goldeneye, all complaints about this weird thing disappeared.
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A Welsh semi-retired television producer and actor known for low end work that astonishingly people actually watched and even garnered some awards. Originally residing in the electrically-challenged Amish areas of Pennsylvania he has written a few books (Hollywood Pants and Hollywood Horrible Hints and Terribly Fake Tips vols 1 & 2) which you can buy on amazon and all great book stores. After a brief stint in Australia he now finds himself back in the Welsh valleys of his home country noting that it hasn't changed a bit!