20 Best Video Game Exclusives Of The Generation

4. The Last Of Us Part II

last of us 2
Naughty Dog

Speaking of making a statement, The Last of Us 2 is a brutally affecting stealth action game that contains one of the wildest twists in gaming history.

Staying spoiler free, this spirals into a whirlwind of brutality for character Ellie, who's suddenly forced into a protagonist role and tasked with tracking down the "WLF", a group of calculating survivors who turned her world upside down.

Where the story goes will only be held up more and more as a milestone in how video games can tell unique narratives, and by the end you'll likely be emotionally raw from everything that goes down.

Gameplay is a solid extension of what's was always scrappy and improvisational combat - a setup that ensures every knife kill, arrow to the head or baseball bat to the jaw feels earned and propulsive.

Naughty Dog's Last of Us 2 is very much a shock to the system, but it's filled with a confidence and purpose no other developer could get anywhere near.

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Gaming Editor

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