20 Best Video Games Of 2016

17. Batman: The Telltale Series

batman telltale

When done right, there's nothing quite so memorable as a Telltale game. Yes, they've taken on so many projects now that the vast majority release in buggy states (Game of Thrones being a notable dud), but their work with Batman is outstanding.

Playing just as much as Bruce as the Dark Knight himself, it creates a unique duality that genuinely lets you feel the power of donning the cape and cowl. You'll talk to criminals and dodgy figures as the fake-smiling playboy billionaire, all the while knowing you'll be breaking bones to extract information later on.

The story itself remarkably manages to shake the foundations of what you think you know about Batman fiction, which in an age where we're seeing the same old origin story thrown onscreen over and over, is a welcome and much needed change.

If you're looking for a brilliantly enjoyable narrative set in one of the greatest fictional universes in entertainment history, Telltale's Batman is their finest work since the first season of The Walking Dead.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.