20 Best Video Games Of 2023 - RANKED

14. Pikmin 4

pikmin 4

Shigeru Miyamoto's other baby outside of Mario and Zelda, Pikmin took its sweet time returning to consoles, but 2023 saw re-releases of the first two titles join 2020's Pikmin 3 Deluxe, to put the entire saga on Switch.

Pikmin 4, despite its name, is the perfect place to start. A truly unique set of mechanics, the Pikmin titles are based around collecting increasingly big amounts of Pikmin themselves, each with different abilities, to then open up more of an given space, solve light environmental puzzles, and make it back to base.

Comprising various gameplay loops you don't even realise are rooting you to the spot, Pikmin 4 is that perfect type of "one more thing" game design where you can't help but defeat another enemy, save another Pikmin, see what puzzle lies below a movable object, or snatch up some valuable item to bolster your HQ.

It's supremely subtle in the way you can get absolutely lost in such an addictive game, but therein lies the beauty of a creation from the head of Nintendo.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.