20 Best Wii Games Of All Time

14. Monster Hunter Tri

Mario Kart Wii

The Monster Hunter games are mostly about you preparing to fight giant monsters before fighting said giant monsters.

Monster Hunter Tri is just a great Monster Hunter game, adding underwater combat which serves to break up the usual ground-based combat really well. The game has aged really well, being just as fun as a lot of the modern entries.

The Wii was often criticised for having nothing but easy games, try telling that to Monster Hunter Tri. The game won't hold back, if you don't prepare and aren't careful in combat you will quickly die.

The game had a huge online component which has sadly gone offline. This would have allowed you to join up with friends and tackle giant monsters together.

The game was later re-released for the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. These are also excellent versions of the game and worth buying.

Monster Hunter Tri is a standout title on the Wii. It knows exactly what it wants to be, a game where you can slay giant monsters.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.