20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Mass Effect 2's Giant Humananoid Mech-Boss

The first Mass Effect had the trials and tribulations of figuring out just how corrupt or willingly evil the rogue agent Saren truly was. Come the close of the game if you'd put enough points into the Paragon way of life, you could break through and have a conversation with the 'real' him, before the mind-controlling Sovereign took over completely. It was genius, and genuinely meant however you'd played previously, had an impact on the big finale of the game. For Mass Effect 2, game design was ramped up in every respect. It resulted in one of the Greatest Games of All Time, but the one point nobody ever belabours, is the finale against what the Collectors were building all along - a huge half-human mech 'thing' with a penchant for roaring as it tried to squish you with its giant hands. A bit... left field, no? Thanks to ME 2 essentially being an open-world game, we all got on with blowing it to Kingdom Come and continuing with the leftover missions, but this thing's "Freaky right, RIGHT?!" design is reconciled to the forgettable toss bin.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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