20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Joker Accidentally Kills Himself (Batman: Arkham City)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up7jPJXq-RY No one thought they were actually going to do it, but back before Rocksteady had their artistic freedom neutered by Warner Bros., they were taking risks left, right and centre. One of the best setups in any of their games was the idea of Joker's life coming to an inevitable end, following the ingesting of the TITAN formula from Arkham Asylum. You end up spending most of the game finding the antidote for the strain that's inside Batman, but when it comes to the final encounter against the Clown Prince (cure in hand), he instinctually leaps on Bats to get an early knife-stab in. This causes Bruce to drop the phial he was holding, damning Joker to the fate he was resigned to from the very beginning. The best part comes when Joker asks if Bats would've saved him despite all the pain he's caused, to which Bruce replies he would, leaving Joker's final line to be the perfect "That actually is... pretty funny" before passing away.
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