20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

6. The Game Killing You No Matter What (Dark Souls)

https://youtu.be/ekqkHjfw9Z0?t=2744 "Dark Souls is tough. Tough, but fair" hardcore fans say, and being one myself I tend to trot that adage out whenever someone's complaining an animation didn't come together as they planned. That said, there is one section in the first game where Hidetaka Miyazaki literally just wanted you to die. He wanted to remind you this was his ride, his world you were lost in - and if you came to Dark Souls knowing it was going to be a challenge, only to have survived to this point without biting it, well, that was going to severely change. Picture the scene; you've just overcome scores of stab-happy undead soldiers, journeyed down all sorts of avenues and alleyways, even felling a rather large screen-filling boss along the way; all on one checkpoint. It's right then, as you're begging for somewhere to save and anywhere to rest your head, that in the middle of an elevated stone road with nowhere to hide, a whopping great dragon swoops in and torches you to cinders. Back you go to the last checkpoint that could be almost an hour behind where you were, the only impetus to carry on being you can reclaim all your Souls... providing you get back there in one piece again.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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