20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

5. Microsoft's Smouldering Car Crash Of A Console Reveal

Man, the Xbox One's immediate post-launch debacle was such a disaster. One minute it was full-on "You will buy this voice-operated console!" gubbins (to which the live demo was then revealed to be fake). Then suddenly we found out you had to keep the console online for a check-in at least once every 24 hours, it wouldn't support backwards compatibility and you couldn't trade games with even your closest pals, unless they were on your friends list for a month or two. Justifiably, everyone screamed "F THAT!" from the rafters, loud enough for Microsoft to reverse every single one of their policies across the following weeks. Now the previous model that "Required the Kinect to function" no longer did, they removed the necessary online requirements, scrapped all the shared license stuff that would've crippled retailers, let you share games to friends again - and even emulated a very complicated way to let you play original Xbox games. The entire debacle was one of the most ridiculous and cack-handed things the company have done yet, and although you could argue Microsoft have made a slow n' steady return across the year, they're yet to fully shake off such an overwhelming amount of negative press.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.