20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

14. The First Time You Used Fus-Ro-Dah On An Innocent (Skyrim)

Don't act like you didn't try this. Every single one of us, when given the option to essentially 'Force Push' the thing right in front of us, looked to a nearby creature or innocent villager, thinking "I wonder what happens if I pus- WOAH" as they went flying off cliffsides, into rivers or toppling into fruit stands. Skyrim's Dragon Shouts were so infectiously fun, the three-part "Fus ro dah!" language-chant the Dragonborn roars ended up crossing over to pop culture, becoming just as recognisable and widespread as the "...then I took an arrow to the knee" shenanigans.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.