20 Comic Book Video Games You Must Play Before You Die
12. Marvel Vs. Capcom
Later MvC games would refine the core 2D fighting systems seen in this original instalment, but for veteran franchises like this, you should always take the time out to locate the original. Thanks to some supremely gorgeous graphics and a solid game engine adapted from Capcom's already-legendary Street Fighter series, MvC needed only pepper its ranks with the likes of Spider-Man, Hulk, Venom and, erm, War Machine? before pitting them against Capcom's finest. As I mentioned in the Children of the Atom entry, this 2D art style mixed with the characters themselves and the fidelity the control scheme affords you is (by my money) the best way to experience any side-on superhero fighter. 3D instalments have been all well and good, but titles like this just look like the characters have leapt straight out the panels to do battle, the cavalcade of colour and meaty sound effects being the perfect realisation of everything you already imagined when first hearing the game's name, and then some.