20 Greatest PC Games Of All Time

13. Bioshock

Playing through it for the first time, there's no game quite like Bioshock. From the moment the underwater city of Rapture came into view, players knew they were in for something special - and they weren't wrong. Rapture was truly the main character in Bioshock. Creaking glass tunnels and the insane inhabitants gave the city an unforgettably tense atmosphere. Terrifying and often darkly comedic, Bioshock is a tour-de-force in game narrative. The combat was also solid, with its use of antiquated weaponry mixed with elemental plasmids. Bioshock is one of the greatest examples of an intelligently designed FPS, and not one that players will likely ever forget. Last year's Bioshock Infinite and its floating city of Columbia was good, but it just couldn't compare to how the horror and beauty of Rapture.
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