20 Greatest PC Games Of All Time

12. Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 represented a number of unconventional and brave design decisions from Valve, and they managed to pay off wonderfully. For starters, the cartoony graphics were totally against the popular gritty aesthetics of other contemporary online shooters. However, players quickly fell in love with the visuals, which screamed with personality. The gameplay is also beautifully balanced, centred around a clever class system. The various classes allow players to experience the online multiplayer exactly how they want to. From the teamwork required for a Heavy and Medic combo, to the lone wolf play style of the Scout, Team Fortress 2 is a game for every kind of FPS player. The over abundance of chest and player-created items may have made the game a lot more challenging to get into for newcomers, but Team Fortress 2 still offers one of the greatest online shooting experiences on the PC.
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