20 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn’t Know About Pokémon

6. Some Pokémon Learn Moves That Make No Sense

Uri Gellar Pokemon

It's fairly common knowledge that Pokémon learn four moves each, but because there are so many different attacks, it opens up a huge scope for strategy and tactics, especially in competitive battling. Strangely though, Game Freak has a peculiar habit of giving Pokémon attacks which either make no sense, or are totally pointless.

One of the more famous ones is Surf, which can be learnt by the very rocky Aggron and Tyranitar, amongst other things. The more obscure ones are just as silly, though. For example, Shedinja can learn Final Gambit - it sacrifices itself in order to deal damage equal to its HP to its opponent. The problem is that Shedinja can only ever have 1HP, rendering it utterly redundant.

Another example is Cryoganal, which learns Attract - even though it is genderless and Attract will never succeed. Then there are moves like Splash and Hold Hands - which do absolutely nothing.

There's only one reason why Game Freak would do this - they're just trolling.


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