20 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn’t Know About Pokémon

5. Uri Geller Sued Kadabra

Uri Gellar Pokemon
David Parry/PA Wire

Remember Uri Geller, the spoon-bending, self-professed psychic? In 2000, he took Nintendo to court, claiming that they had "appropriated his identity and image" without asking permission. What was the problem, you might ask. Well, Geller was unhappy with the design of Kadabra's trading card.

He was really angry about it, too - he claimed that they'd made him into an "evil, occult Pokémon character" with their design.

Geller lost, but it's not a coincidence that since the lawsuit, Kadabra has never been reprinted as a card in the TCG, and it has only appeared in the animé series once - Nintendo obviously don't want to waste their money on lawyers again.

Heaven only knows why he picked out Kadabra - he should've gone for Alakazam, it's way more powerful.


Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.