20 Moments That Made The Resident Evil Series Iconic

8. The Licker Breaking Through The Glass - Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil Tyrant.png

The introduction of the Licker is a chilling, memorable moment in its right, with the eerie cutscene of the skinless beast crawling its way across a ceiling sure to set your nerves on end; the fact it spat a decapitated head at you moments before also signals it’s not very friendly. 

The all-time best jump scare in the game comes later on, however, when the player is exploring an empty interrogation room, looking for the next piece of the puzzle. When leaving the room the player runs across a two-way mirror, and out of nowhere a Licker crashes through from the other side and just about gives you a heart attack.

Once the player knows to expect it on later playthroughs it’s not that big a deal, but the first time it happens is petrifying. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.