20 Moments That Made The Resident Evil Series Iconic

1. The First Zombie – Resident Evil

Resident Evil Tyrant.png

The encounter with the very first zombie is the moment that cemented Resident Evil’s place in horror gaming, and anyone who’s played the game – even if they didn’t like it – will remember the moment vividly.

The player is investigating a gunshot and after a bit of exploring, you come to a corridor and trigger an FMV. You see a dude crouching over something and making horrible chewing sounds before a pool of blood – and a severed head – is seen; the moment the zombie turns and looks at you is when you realise it’s time to find a clean pair of pants.

For all the classic moments in the series, this is the one most gamers often cite as their favourite. Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami even referenced it himself in The Evil Within,  a game that proved you can copy Resident Evil, but you can never recapture the magic of it.

What are some of your favourite Resident Evil moments? Would you choose a different moment for the top slot? Let us know in the comments section.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.