20 More WWE Stars And Their Video Game Counterparts

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito have nothing on these guys.

Professional wrestling is, essentially, a storytelling industry: a set-up for an ongoing narrative detailing the titanic battles between good and evil, featuring improbably named, well-crafted men and women in ridiculous clothes waging war with complicated finishing moves, in competition, in vendetta, or sometimes just for bragging rights. Given that, it€™s no surprise that there€™s such an overlap between the pro wrestling narrative and the kind of stories told in video games. Characters level up, becoming bigger and more powerful, and storylines join together to become larger arcs. And those characters are larger than life, as they have to be to compete with the other larger than life characters in the marketplace. To follow on from my previous article, I€™ve put together a selection of WWE stars past, present and future, and their counterparts in video games over the last couple of decades. Sometimes it€™s like they€™re separated at birth, brothers from another mother or sisters from another mister, while some matches are made because there€™s a certain similarity in style or personality. And yes, sometimes I just like taking the mickey out of Ryback. If it€™s good enough for Bryan Danielson, it€™s good enough for me. Have fun with it, and come up with your own and paste them into the comments. 1000 Internet Points if your picks are better than mine €“ not that this is a competition. But if it was, I would win. Because I am king.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.