20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2023

7. Resident Evil 4 Remake

video games 2023

Platforms: PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, X, PC.

It's safe to say that other than the number in their titles, this entry has very little in common with the previous one.

Amazingly, Pikmin's entire library is dwarfed by the number of Resident Evil 4 ports Capcom have churned out over the years. Gamers have guided Leon through his Spanish vacation on GameCube, Wii, PS2, PC, God knows how many HD remasters, VR and even iOS.

Given that, you'd think we'd be thoroughly sick of rescuing Ashley "LEON HELP!" Graham from the clutches of Saddler and his mob. Yet gaming journalists (of which this writer wasn't one *sob*) found themselves partying like it was 2004 all over again when Capcom previewed a playable demo back in October.

Unless something goes staggeringly wrong between now and the game's projected March release, it seems Capcom have pulled it off. By all accounts the RE4make expertly walks the line between modernization and preservation, offering a host of gameplay refinements while retaining the hammer-horror atmosphere that made the original RE4 so beloved.

Amazingly, we're just as excited to play through Leon's greatest adventure now as we were when we plopped the minidisc into our GameCubes all those years ago. Well played, Capcom, well played.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.