20 Most Anticipated Video Games Still Coming In 2017

2. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

playerunknowns battlegrounds
Bluehole Studio

Release Date: Q4 2017 (most likely with the Xbox One X)

In case you haven't kept up, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is fast-becoming one of the most played games (through sheer hours invested) in gaming history.

Sitting right next to GTA V and Fallout 4 at the top of the Steam charts, console owners are eagerly awaiting the 100-player battle royale survival game to make its home debut. Unbelievably, PUB is still in Early Access, though that didn't stop it making 11 million dollars in its first week, with over 500,000 concurrent players blowing each others' brains out as you read this.

Base gameplay is a 100-person 'battle royale' where it's you or a team of friends against everybody else, on a map about the size of Just Cause 2. Where do you run? How engaged do you get in combat? How do you stay alive and eventually thin the ranks? It's up to you, but the game increasingly shrinks its zone of play, forcing you into increasingly smaller areas and encouraging encounters along the way.

'Intense' doesn't even begin to cover it. This is something that requires every ounce of mental fortitude you can summon to not have an aneurysm.

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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.