20 Most Embarrassing Video Game Moments Since 2000

17. Jamie Kennedy's E3 Trainwreck

It would be easy to write this entire list based off of things that solely happened at E3, and it won't be the last time this event is featured.

Back in 2007, Activision thought it would be a great idea to have actor and comedian Jamie Kennedy host their press conference. Spoiler alert: It was not a good idea.

Kennedy would stumble his way throughout the entire conference, clearly either drunk or under the influence of something else. He would even manage to lose his teleprompter from time to time, despite it sitting right in front of him.

Throughout the conference he told numerous dick jokes that went down like a lead balloon. He even spent some time insulting the audience, calling them virgins and losers. He didn't stop at the audience either, as he would insult the numerous guests he had on the show - including an obviously annoyed Tony Hawk. At one point the audience even heckled Kennedy saying a developer on stage was funnier than him.

Kennedy took to Twitter a couple years later to berate those who called him out on the event. At one point he even told someone, "I'll kill you." It's safe to say that Kennedy holding the prize for one of the worst conferences in E3 history might still be a sore spot for him.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.