20 Most Embarrassing Video Game Moments Since 2000

16. No Man's Sky Fails To Deliver

No Mans Sky
Hello Games

It's safe to say that whenever there's a list talking about bad/disappointing moments in gaming history, No Man's Sky is going to find its way on in some way or another.

This is understandable though, as No Man's Sky was one of the most disappointing games to ever release. Fans expected so much - so much that they were promised by Sean Murray, and got little if any of it. Players were expecting planetary physics, different classes of ships that actually meant something, alien factions and reputations that once again actually meant something, large scale battles and much, much more. There's a laundry list of features that were promised and ultimately didn't end up in the game.

Murray was so hyped with his own project that he just didn't know when to stop selling it and instead chose to greatly inflate the truth about features of the game. In the end, it would cost the game dearly as fans were expecting much more than they were given. The player base dropped off significantly, and stores were even issuing refunds to disappointed gamers.

Yes, Hello Games has gone out of their way to try and bring the game to the glory they had first promised, but it really isn't helping much. There's no way for most to get over the reputation it has of being a tremendous failure and disappointment, and as such will go down as one of the biggest flops in gaming history.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.