20 Most Embarrassing Video Game Moments Since 2000

15. Big Rigs Becomes A Serious Candidate For Worst Video Game Ever

Big rigs
Stellar Stone

There are a lot of games out there people like to call the "worst ever". Whether it be turning it off in rage or getting stuck figuring out a certain mechanic for far too long, nothing compares to Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, which is genuinely one of the worst games ever made.

Big Rigs was released back in 2003 and was 100% unfinished. The cover of the game advertises police chases which aren't in the game and every picture on the case of the game is fake. The bugs and glitches with the game are so common and so ridiculous it's comical.

For starters, it's impossible to lose. The original release had no A.I., so you wouldn't race against any opponents. A patch was released (that if downloaded would sometimes make the game unplayable) that added competition, though the opponents it "fixed" would stop short of the finish line and never cross it, ensuring you still won. The time limit in the game was all for show too, as it actually did nothing. When the race finished you were even graced with a hilarious, grammatically incorrect victory screen.

There was also no collision detection whatsoever, allowing players to drive through virtually everything in their path, including the floor in various spots. Whether it be mountains, bridges or buildings, nothing would stop you - not even the speed of light, as literally, if you were to drive in reverse there was no speed limit. You could reach 12.3 undecillion miles per hour going in reverse, and if that sounds like an unreasonably large number, it's because it is.

Big Rigs was a disaster so big that it's sparked up its own cult following, but that won't stop it from being remembered as one of the worst games ever made.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.