20 Most Intense Video Game Moments Ever

15. Storming Omaha Beach On D-Day - Medal Of Honor: Frontline

Medal of honor frontline

You can point to future World War II games revisiting Normandy (Call of Duty WWII just did its own most recent take), but nothing beats Frontline's depiction of the D-Day landing.

First up is the cold, scene-setting opening. EA's choice to just let a menagerie of soldiers' comments - from worried to steadfast - be the first thing you hear amongst the waves crashing against your boat was genius.

There's no music afterwards, either. Instead a cacophony of gunfire, explosions and shouting propel you from one checkpoint to the next - the dreary, humanity-stricken colour palette only offset by entering gun nests and popping heads with your M1 Garand.

This powerful level was instrumental in gaming's establishment as a medium that could easily contend with Hollywood. It holds up perfectly today, easily outdoing COD's attempt on far less powerful hardware.

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