20 Most Intense Video Game Moments Ever

14. Obliterating Megaton - Fallout 3

fallout 3 megaton

Every great RPG or open world needs a "Will they let me do... this?!" moment.

Fallout 3's comes right at the beginning, almost exemplifying with an exclamation mark what an RPG where the player can do whatever they want would be like. Triggered by deviating away from the moral imperative of disarming a latent nuke at the centre of Megaton, you can actually rig it to blow by talking to one "Mister Burke."

Doing so will give you a pulse charge that when placed, allows you to go back and hit a button to watch the explosion from a "safe" distance.

It's not until you actually do this though (even out of morbid curiosity), that the reality of dooming an entire township to death will hit you. The image of a nuclear cloud is striking and sobering enough, but Fallout goes one further by deafening you with the delayed noise of the explosion itself.

The real question after this was: Did you reload your save out of guilt, or live with the consequences?

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