20 Most Powerful Video Game Weapons Ever

5. The Master Sword (The Legend Of Zelda)

Merica Saints Row Iv

Like the Blades Of Chaos, the blade of evil's bane was pretty much destined to appear on this list somewhere. It has never mattered what the forces of evil has thrown at this sword, it has never backed down from the challenge.

What makes The Master Sword so special is that oftentimes it is the ONLY thing that can actually stop Ganon. You can defeat Ganon in Ocarina Of Time with any other weapon, but the killing blow HAS to be done with The Master Sword. Its power is the only thing that can truly put Ganon's evil in the ground for good.

On top of that, the sword is completely indestructible. Whereas more typically powerful weapons like the Fat Man are let down by the fact that they will wear down and break over time, The Master Sword never so much as dulls no matter how much Link uses it. Even when having to play by the weapon durability rules in Breath Of The Wild, it doesn't even break. It just has to rest for a minute after being used too much, presumably to ensure that your other weapons don't become completely irrelevant.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?