20 Most Powerful Video Game Weapons Ever

4. The R.Y.N.O (Ratchet And Clank)

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Insomniac Games

When you're a kid playing on the PS2 the first time, few goals are as tempting and as sweet as getting your hands on the original R.Y.N.O (Rip Ya a New One) in the original Ratchet And Clank. The way the salesman talks up this gun, you may as well be on the final level, as nothing else would be able to challenge you at that point.

And boy does it always live up to the hype. No matter which game you're using it in, the R.Y.N.O is always the end of every conversation and the solution to every problem. Hell, in some games, when you fire it, the 1812 Overture will start playing, just to ram home the kind of power you're throwing around.

Ratchet And Clank is known for being rather unforgiving in its combat at times. The enemies hit hard, and ammo can be hard to come by in some areas. But the R.Y.N.O is unmatched in every game it appears in, so if you want to do as the name suggests, then get your hands on this end all be all blaster.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?