20 Most Replayable Video Game Moments Of The 2000s

1. BioShock (2007) - Seeing The Big Daddy In Action

That big oaf with a drill for a hand and clad in a brassy diving outfit has cemented himself as a video game icon. Yet his status isn't just because of his fantastic appearance, but also the powerful mix of emotions he evokes when you witness him. Big Daddies are tragic and menacing, beautiful and horrific. When you first hear one's solemn whale calls echoing through the moribund corridors of Rapture, your instinct will be to hide, but when you see that his job is to protect little girls, you become intrigued. Fighting a Big Daddy lives up to all the challenge you'd hope for from fighting one, and taking one on is an experience worthy of replay. But it's also fascinating to just watch them stomping around Rapture, interacting with the mysterious Little Sisters, and wiping out squads of splicers. Embodied in the Big Daddy is pretty much all the tragedy and horror of BioShock. Just doing an Attenborough and observing one in its natural habitat - before you engage it in a memorable battle - should be a ritual you repeat at least annually. We know you'll have some of your own ideas for what should've made our list, and we'll leave it to you to provide us with gaming moments that deserve a mention. Which gaming moments of the 2000s keep you coming back for more?

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.