20 Most Replayable Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)
5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
From the master of the 2D stealth planes, to the 3D, and as Hideo Kojima bid farewell to the franchise he brought into the world some 30 years ago, MGS V went out with a bang that was more like a glorious fireworks display. The all-new open-world take on the series is positively packed with secrets and references to find, and thanks to an $80 million budget, gameplay has been stripped of bugs and glitches, resulting in a sublime experience fine-tuned across the last few years. The story of Venom Snake/Big Boss told here and how it fits into the overall MGS canon is one of total fourth wall-breaking genius - so much so that it's divided all who play into two camps, but that never gets in the way of the hugely experimental gameplay. If you've already seen the campaign through, you'll know exactly what I mean, although I can't blame the rest who haven't - you're probably too busy taking out choppers with C4-filled jeeps and balloons to notice.