20 Most Terrifying Enemies In Video Game History

1. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2

Pyramid Head silent hill 2

Even on a purely visual level, Pyramid Head is utterly terrifying. Standing well over seven feet tall, and brandishing a sword big enough to slice a truck in half, Pyramid Head's very appearance at the dark end of a corridor is enough to stop your heart and cause an immediate about-face off the edge of a roof.

Besides the fact that Pyramid Head's obviously humanoid in appearance, there's little about him to even suggest a higher level of intelligence or awareness - excluding a few instances earlier in the game, Pyramid Head doesn't even attempt to harm you directly, choosing instead to go after your companions. Clearly, there's something going on under that triangular helmet of his, but what? Why not just kill you and call it a night?

Like a lot in Silent Hill though, not everything is what it seems and - without spoiling anything for those who haven't completed the game (seriously though, time's a-wastin') - Pyramid Head serves a much larger (and more disturbing) role in the story than simply stalking you.

If Silent Hill 2 is about a grieving man's search for peace, then Pyramid Head embodies the inescapable specter of loss and guilt. The only thing more horrifying than being trapped in your own personal hell for all eternity is being haunted by a custom-made executioner who refuses to grant you the mercy of a quick, painless death.


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