20 Most Underrated Pokémon In History

10. Whimsicott

Pokemon Whimsicott
The Pokémon Company

Introduced in Pokémon's fifth generation and improved with the addition of the Fairy Type in the sixth, Whimsicott is the kind of Pokémon that's so cute that it's regularly overlooked as a battler. It's more than capable of holding it's own, however, and can actually be quite lethal under the right circumstances.

Its dual Grass/Fairy Type is pretty unique and, while this does open up a few extra weaknesses for it, means that the Pokémon can benefit from some really great STAB moves in its arsenal. Employing it as a Grass Type with a Fairy kicker is a solid strategy; it can be a typical status-affecting attacker in the first instance but with the ability to fell Dragon Types if equipped with Moonblast for its attractive Special Attack.

Whimsicott is already a quick Pokémon, but grabbing one with the Prankster ability will also see moves that affect the opponent's status have their speed priority increased by one. Suddenly the likes of pre-evolution moves like Stun Spore and Poison Powder become deadlier still, leaving your foes open to major frustration early on.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.