20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

2. The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian
Team ICO

10 years in development... almost zero hype outside of those who've been waiting all this time.

Yet, Director Fumito Ueda and his crew over at Team ICO knew exactly what they were doing. The Last Guardian is unapologetically non-mainstream: There are barely any tutorial prompts, zero 'vision modes' to tell you where to go - just zero help whatsoever. It's you and your bird-dog-cat-thing from beginning to end, but that's what makes the experience so refreshing and ultimately, so preciously memorable.

Hands-down, Trico is the best animal that's ever been in a game, period. His inquisitive animations and improvisational animations help create the 'illusion' that this is a real beast you're dealing with - one that'll look out for itself, call after you and occasionally misinterpret your commands along the way.

The latter has provided a lot of negativity to those who'd prefer the game was more streamlined (and that's fair), but for those moments when your own primitive thoughts match up to that of Trico's, there's nothing quite as special as The Last Guardian.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.