20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

1. Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2
Respawn Entertainment

By far and away, the finest video game of the year that nowhere near enough people are playing is Titanfall 2.

Released in a dreadful place, slap-bang in the middle of Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty (literally, the week in between the two), it goes without saying that some of the biggest-selling franchises in gaming history maxed out many peoples' spending limits, leaving little behind for Respawn's (infinitely better) shooter to claim.

And that's a crying shame, because from some of the most innovative first-person shooter levels in history (one that sees you hop between multiple timelines at will, the other a shootout taking place inside an assembly line of moving houses), Respawn's pedigree as a team made up of ex-Infinity War guys shines through.

Titanfall 2 is everything you want out of an FPS, and its frenetic, mech-fuelled multiplayer is some of the most rewarding and tactile you can play - a far cry from the twitch-based likes of the competition.


What's your most underrated game of 2016? Let us know in the comments!

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