20 Most WTF Video Game Moments Of The PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch Generation

6. Blizzard Punishes Blitzchung For Supporting Hong Kong Protests

As a potent reminder that companies aren't your friends and are only interested in the bottom line, Blizzard left players enraged late last year when they punished Hong Kong Hearthstone pro player Blitzchung for making a statement in support of Hong Kong protestors during a streaming event.

Blizzard, presumably in order to protect its Chinese business interests, stripped Blitzchung of his prize money and banned him from competitive play for an entire year.

A boycott campaign spread across social media like wildfire, with World of Warcraft team lead Mark Kern even cancelling a subscription to his own game in protest, which combined with pressure from United States Congress representatives led to the prize money being reinstated and Blitzchung's ban reduced to six months.

And everyone thought Blizzard announcing a Diablo mobile game was bad...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.