20 Most WTF Video Game Moments Of The PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch Generation

5. Xbox Game Pass Changes The Industry

Red Dead Redemption

Though Xbox Game Pass launched in 2017 as a rather modest subscription service, it's grown in leaps and bounds ever since, incorporating an increasingly large library of games, as well as every first-party Microsoft title day one, and last year finally including PC support.

It's fair to say that Game Pass is really the true Microsoft platform moving forward rather than any single piece of hardware, and with their aforementioned acquisitions, they're poised to make the fast-growing service their major win over Sony as the next generation kicks off.

It's undeniably the best deal in gaming for anyone who wants to enjoy a platter of quality titles without owning any of them, and in turn prompted numerous publishers to get more serious about their own subscription services.

Expect to see subscriptions become a much larger piece of gaming's economic puzzle in the incoming generation, though if Sony can maintain their market lead, they seem committed to ensuring their marquee AAA titles are delivered in a more traditional way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.