20 Most WTF Video Game Moments Of The PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch Generation

4. Star Wars Battlefront II's Loot Box Controversy

Red Dead Redemption

On paper, Star Wars Battlefront II had all the potential in the world to be an effortless improvement over its malnourished 2015 predecessor, but the game invoked the ire of fans before it even hit stores once the press revealed that it was rife with progress-stifling loot box nonsense.

EA's cowardly response to the controversy netted them the most downvoted comment in the history of Reddit, and though EA did ultimately remove lootboxes during Battlefront II's launch period, for many the damage was already done, given how little respect they'd shown for paying customers.

Though Battlefront II was an acceptable enough game in pure gameplay terms, it saw EA take one step too greedy and cynical, and in turn players and journalists pushed back.

While microtransactions certainly haven't gone away, the response did at least send a loud message to publishers not to treat players quite so blatantly like ATMs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.