20 Most WTF Video Game Moments Of The PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch Generation

18. Sony Blocks Cross-Platform Play For YEARS

Red Dead Redemption
Epic Games

Sony was rightly raked over the coals by gamers and the press alike for their refusal to allow cross-platform play during the first five years of the PS4's life.

Though Sony unconvincingly argued that this was in order to keep their younger users safe, it truly felt like a return of the "arrogant Sony" from the PS3 era, that because they had the lion's share of the console market they felt little need to play ball with Microsoft and Nintendo.

Criticism intensified when Fortnite was released on Nintendo Switch and players found their PS4 Epic accounts tied to the console, with Sony's stock price falling 2% in the days following the announcement.

Only in October 2019 did Sony finally agree to allow cross-platform play for all titles, finally bringing to an end a mightily embarrassing, drawn-out saga for the company.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.