20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

16. Infamous: Second Son

infamous second son
Sucker Punch

Infamous is the perfect bridge between the negatively received exclusives and the awesome ones. It was just 'okay':

Its platforming? Solid. Characters? Likeable, but not loveable. Its level designs, powers and general feel of gameplay? All totally serviceable, but in a way that did nothing for Infamous as a franchise just teetering on the edge of being truly great.

Indeed, something has always felt that little bit 'off' over the years with Sucker Punch's baby. Whether it be that you take too much damage too quickly or the controls just aren't responsive enough to usher in Spider-Man 2-levels of exploration, Infamous is the highest of B-tier games, and Second Son was a formulaic execution of exactly that.

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