20 Ridiculously Low Game Ratings You Won’t Believe

18. Tekken Tag Tournament 2: 82 (PS3) 83 (X360, WiiU)

Heihachi Tekken
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the latest Tekken release on home consoles (Tekken 7 is still in the arcades at the moment). It€™s also the most polished and robust entry into the series. Previous Tekken games have had their share of problems. Tekken 3 and Tag Tournament 1 were true greats, but the first two games have aged very poorly. Likewise, there is very little reason to play Tekken 4 outside of purely for the story. Its cast is just far too small and the new gameplay mechanics didn€™t really work out that well. In fact, as far as fighting games for the seventh generation of consoles go, TTT2 is one of the best out there. The Soul series has been riddled with problems (SCIV is unplayable online, SCV could have it€™s own article about what it got wrong), and while Street Fighter IV is a wonderful reboot of the franchise, the constant revisions are ridiculous. Dead or Alive 5 suffered from SF€™s revision problem, along with an identity crisis when Tomonobu Itagaki departed. So, why an 83? Sure, it does have a problem being that it uses an online pass system (which is really a forced season pass) when other companies like EA have phased that out. However, that€™s not really that bad anyway. Otherwise, it€™s a straight up Tekken game that gives the player what they want out of a 3D fighter. Anything below a 90 is just disingenuous.
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Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.