20 Ridiculously Low Game Ratings You Won’t Believe

17. Dragon Valor: 57

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0JRvgGFTBc One thing is for certain, Metacritic is not friendly to older games. Dragon Valor (recently profiled in 20 Severely Underrated PS1 Games You Totally Missed) was a fun and worthwhile romp back in the days. Boasting a multi-generational and multi-directional plot, an awesome mix of platforming, RPG, hack-n-slash mechanics, and some rather handsome graphics for the day, Dragon Valor is a pretty great game. Sadly, the poor reviews Metacritic cites describe it as €œslow paced€, €œforgettable€, €œrepetitive€, and claim that you shouldn€™t €œexpect to see any innovation€. The thing to keep in mind, is that reviewers back in the PS1 era were especially negative. They were very much comparing every game to a handful of classics and masterpieces, rather than looking at each new title on its own merits. Likewise, the Internet was a whole lot €œsmaller€ back then. Most reviews were in a handful of printed magazines that Metacritic doesn€™t take into account. Likewise, there were fewer video game sites around back then and blogging was in it€™s infancy. There was just too little to chose from! In short, Metacritic might as well not bother to list older titles, since they€™re selling some very good games short at the moment.
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Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.